M. A. in English is a program of 30 Credit Hours spread over 3 Semesters in 1 year. Students from two directions i.e. from both B. A. (Hons) in English and M. A. (Preliminary) in English will study M. A. in English. Students with B. A. (Hons) and M.A. (Preliminary) in English from any recognized University will read for 1 year to obtain M. A. :
The Department of English offers the program, M.A. in English, not only to familiarize the students with the intellectual exercises that western countries made over the centuries but also to produce learners to become well-groomed professionals both for teaching as well as for jobs at national and international levels. The aim behind M.A. in the stream of Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching (ELT) is to bring out competent English teachers for secondary, higher secondary and tertiary levels. This program will also benefit those who wish to improve their language proficiency for use in various professions in the corporate world, government service, business, journalism, education etc.
The Graduate Program in English at the ASAUB prepares students for independent work as teachers, scholars, and critics by developing their abilities to pose and investigate problems in the advanced study of literatures in English.
This program also provides students with many different opportunities to gain teaching experience, including serving as a teaching assistant in faculty-taught courses and teaching a self-designed or core introductory course in the departmental undergraduate curriculum. The program requirements are designed to lead to a doctorate in five years after the BA degree.
M. A. in English is a program of 30 Credit Hours spread over 3 Semesters in 1 year. Students from two directions i.e. from both B. A. (Hons) in English and M. A. (Preliminary) in English will study M. A. in English. Students with B. A. (Hons) and M.A. (Preliminary) in English from any recognized University will read for 1 year to obtain M. A. There will be 2 streams in M. A.:
The students admitted to M.A. will choose either M.A. in English which means English literature or M.A. in Applied Linguistics and ELT. In other words, the courses for M.A. in English are designed to develop the literary, critical and analytical insights in the students so that they may pursue higher studies in this line or may devote themselves to professions requiring these insights. The courses on Applied Linguistics and ELT are designed to develop the theoretical and practical knowledge of teaching English Language at any level and of pursuing research and higher studies in this line.
On the whole, a student securing Master’s degree from either stream will be capable of teaching both language and literature, and of discharging services where such knowledge, intellectual abilities and expertise are required. It may be mentioned here that students of M.A. in English will also read one course on ELT so that, in case of necessity and situation, they can go for either teaching or/job requiring the knowledge and skills of English.
One distinguishing feature of these courses is that students are mandated to write at least one Term Paper in each semester and to appear at a Viva-Voce at the end of each semester final examination on all the courses studied in that semester. In this program, dissertation is also compulsory which, as expected, will make the student bring out his/her best in the form of writing on a particular area of research.
A student obtaining B. A (Hons) or M. A. (Preliminary) in English from ASA University Bangladesh or any recognized university and having no third class at S.S.C. or H.S.C. or equivalent levels will be eligible for admission into this program.
The ASAUB follows the following letter grades and grade point system introduced by the UGC as a uniform grading system for public and private universities in Bangladesh. The grade point average (GPA) is computed in the following manner: A student may earn any of the five letter grades on the basis of his/her performance in each course. The letter grades A, B, C and D are considered passing grades and also acceptable to continuing of grades. Grade F is the failing grade.
The evaluation will be based on 1) midterm examinations, 2) classroom evaluations, and 3) final examination. Continuous assessment (class test/quizzes, presentation, term paper/assignments, viva, class attendance etc.) will cover 30 percent of the total marks, and the remaining 70 percent is reserved for the midterm examinations (30 percent) and the final examinations (40 percent).