ASA University Bangladesh (ASAUB) started its official journey on 23rd October, 2006 and as one of the first three departments, the Department of English started its activities on 19th May, 2007 with Professor Dr. Sirajul Islam, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences as its head. At present, under the dynamic guidance and direction of Professor Dr. Abu Daud Hasan, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and Chairman, Department of English, along with the faculty members, the Department strives to ensure the academic excellence in higher education.
Since its inception, the Department has progressed significantly. In a short span of time, it has carved a niche for itself as one of the most efficient departments in the university. The most important feature of the Department is its committed, dynamic, and dedicated faculty members who have really worked hard to transform the Department as one of the finest in the University. In keeping with the spirit, the teachers have tried to move beyond the traditional methods of teaching and have succeeded considerably in making the practice of teaching more innovative, interactive, and student-friendly.
The congenial atmosphere within the Department has also served as both an encouragement and inspiration for the students, and enabled them to express themselves in proper intellectual terms. It has led to an unprecedented academic training and edification of the students. This, in turn, has borne immediate fruits in the form of the Department’s English club and the regular maintenance of the wall magazines in which the students frequently show their creative talents.
The Department of English has so far produced graduates, some of whom teaches at the higher secondary, the secondary, and the primary levels, and some work as officers and executives in different organizations of the country.
With accountability and transparency in higher education, the Department is constantly improving its learning atmosphere and looking ahead to a bright future. The Department is also committed to address the future challenges of our education system.
One of the stated aims of the Department has been the stimulation of the learner’s literary and critical perception which would ultimately enable them to study the major literary works from different perspectives. Such diligent and serious study, needless to say, is ultimately expected to transform the students into individuals who will significantly contribute to their society.
The English programs offered at ASA University Bangladesh with the support of dedicated faculty members assist the students to study major works of literature, to use their critical thinking, and to develop their writing skills. More importantly, the students will learn to use language in a creative fashion. The English Department is guided by the understanding that our language shapes our identity and interactions with others, thereby creating our social world. The English Department emphasizes the interdependence of creativity, theory and, vocation, and as such the curriculum offers a comprehensive education in literature, theory, creative writing, and professional writing in order to:
The Department works with a comprehensive plan for elevating the students from what they are at the time of admission to what they should be at the time of obtaining M.A in English. To achieve the goal, the Department uses the latest class-room equipments and arranges classes of the experienced teachers for improving listening and speaking skills of the learners. The Department also offers courses on the English language to compensate for any language inadequacies of students, so that they do not face any problem in understanding the great literary texts.