Message from the Chairman, BOT
The moment of writing this message for our prospectus of ASA University Bangladesh (ASAUB) is, indeed, a matter of great pleasure and satisfaction to me. I struggled for more than three decades to raise ASA, the NGO, to this level of the leading Micro-Finance Institution (MFI) in the world, and imbued with the success story of ASA, proposed to the Government of Bangladesh to establish a university that opens opportunities of education and research to the relatively lower income and lower middle income groups of students in our country. ASA serves the deprived and disadvantaged in one way, and obviously, ASAUB will serve the people in another way. One success leads us to initiate another institution that will contribute to the development of our country.
I am delighted to see that the members of the society have responded enthusiastically to ASAUB and have sent their wards with confidence on our management and with high hope that the students will be properly and seriously taught and prepared for their career. It is heartening to see that some students from the Republic of Turkey have come to ASAUB to study English Language courses.
The Board of Trustees, the Vice-Chancellor, the Deans, the Registrar, the Chairmen, the teachers, the administration of ASAUB and myself are well aware of the burden of responsibility that the society has put on us and I am confident that no one at stage of running the university and teaching the students will ever dishonor this trust. We hope the graduates of this university in turn contribute to the development of skilled manpower in a cyclical way ameliorating the socio-economic and moral condition of the people of our country.
We are encouraged to see that the natives and the foreigners who interact with me over microfinance appreciate that ASAUB is functioning in a commendable way and shows the promise of being one of the few prestigious private universities in Bangladesh.
We work with all our experiences and skills of innovation to further expand ASAUB for which we request cooperation of all concerned.
Mrs. Rabeya Akhter
Chairman, BOT,
Member, ASA General Body,ASA